Finally, high-quality streaming for the rest of us. Using Apple's revolutionary Rendezvous technology, you can make your movies available on the network for everyone to watch together, or even password protect them for private showings. Broadcast family movies, student films, or class lectures without ever having to worry about multicast addresses, SLP announces, or port numbers: Tryst puts all the power of streaming at the touch of a button.

Options That Matter to You
Tryst handles the complexities of streaming in the background
while offering you a wide array of practical choices.
Set time delays to give peers the opportunity to discover your movie
and "subscribe" to see it. Limit the amount of connections you allow
for more intimate screenings or to simply reduce stress on slower
networks. Password protect your broadcasts to screen whom sees
your movie and whom doesn't.

Organize with the Movie Inspector
For the first time you can truly organize your movies in an intuitive way with the movie inspector. Record cast and crew attributes or add your own custom ones, then search through them in real-time. Quickly add several movies at a time by drapping as many as you want in the movie listing, and you'll never misplace your files again since Tryst keeps track of where you place them, even if you move them afterwards.